
Digital Splints

Core3dcentres® utilises the latest digital technologies to deliver superior accuracy, communication and convenience for removable orthodontics - from scan, design and model production to fabrication of final prosthesis.

Traditionally, splints have been made from a hard acrylic or a soft, polyvinyl material. The hard acrylic splints provide the patient with an adjustable occlusal surface but usually require substantial chair time to make the appliance fit comfortably. The soft splints, although more comfortable for the patient, do not lend themselves to adjustment and repair.

Our custom, advanced surgical, TMJ

and bruxism splints are constructed to your occlusal plane

specifications on the upper or lower arch and cover all of today’s

popular designs. We’re also always ready to take on your special or

custom requirements when they arise.


  • To protect natural dentition or new crowns, bridges and veneers from abnormal occlusal forces caused by clenching and bruxism
  • Where a splint with superior fit is required
  • Where positive retention without the use of clasps is desired

More Information

Digital Splints Product Sheet

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